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Rodin's Fallen Caryatid with Urn: 9"x12"; ink & watercolor on paper | Saint Germain Metro: 9"x12"; ink & watercolor on paper | Pont Neuf: 12"x9"; ink & watercolor on paper | Fremiet's Saint Michel Terrassant le Dragon Sculpture: 9"x12", ink & graphite on paper |
Rodin's Adam Sculpture: 7"x10"; ink & animation pencil on paper | Braids: 8"x11"; ballpoint pen on paper | Headless Pigeon: 8"x11"; ink, colored pencil & gouache on paper | Costa Rica Mandala: 7"x7"; ink & watercolor on paper |
Autumn Leaves: 9"x12", ink & watercolor on paper | Calla Lilies for Becks & Mikey: 5"x7", ink & watercolor on paper | Grand Trunk Apartment: 7"x4"; ink on paper | NFTS Cat: 3"x4"; ink on paper |
Texture Study III: 8.5"x11"; graphite on paper | Texture Study II: 8.5"x11"; graphite on paper | Nike adjusting her sandal Temple of Athena: 29"x42"; conté sanguine & craie blanche on grey paper | DaVinci Drapé: 29"x42"; conté sanguine & craie blanche on grey paper |
Rhinocéros du Musée d’Orsay: 8"x10"; ink & animation pencil, sold at L.Appartement design & gift shop, Le Carrousel du Louvre, Paris, France | Muse d’André Chénier: 8"x10"; animation pencil on paper |
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